There is a wide range within external legal department. Our fields of activity are (without claiming to be complete):
Commercial tenancy law
Are you a landlord or a tenant of a commercial property? In analogy with labour law: The advice starts with the beginning of the tenancy. There would be typical questions about the rental contract, about amendments and prolongations of the tenancy period or later about a termination by mutual consent or notice of termination. As I having been a partner in a group of consulting firms for years, you can also profit from my experiences of the inner view of the landlord or the tenant.
Corporate law
According to our experience companies have a large variety of questions especially in this field. And justifiably so. The range goes from granting the power of attorney, over the change of the managing director to amendments of the articles of incorporation or even in the wide field of mergers and acquisitions (M&A). Quite frequently there is further need of advice in the field of company start-up and succession.
Data privacy
Correct, an unpleasant topic. But unfortunately an important one, as well. We have had data privacy for decades now. Recent developments, first of all on the internet, have led to a tightening, which is forcing many companies to increase their activity in this field. We would love to support you with this – in cooperation with your data protection officer who will take care of the technical realization.
Labour law
What are the cases when a first contact with us makes sense for you? Legal advice often starts – just like the employment – with the employment contract. Subsequently, there are often problems to sort out: about supplements, written warnings, settlement agreements or termination of the contract. Having been a partner in a group of law firms for years, I would be happy to pass my own experiences as an employer on to you.
Legal representation
Careful contract design can help you avoid legal disputes in court. This is basically the right way as disputes in court are often lengthy and the outcome is hard to predict. If you end up in such a situation after all, we will push through your disputed interests and generally stand for highly consistent legal representation.
Software law
Who doesn’t regularly use software in his company? In most cases we are talking about standard products and the user accepts the standard terms and conditions of the producer. If we are talking about bigger projects though, the client is actually entitled to influence the contract design. Some controversial issues can always come up in the course of a software project. Here we would be glad to give you legal advice concerning contract negotiations and possible legal actions.
Contract law / terms and conditions
We have been supporting our clients with contract design, implementation and termination for 20 years. Thanks to this experience, we have gained a broad legal knowledge in this complex field. So we can design water-tight contracts for you – or we check proposed draft contracts in every detail. We also offer to give you advice about contract modifications, supplements or a consensual contract termination and notice.
You can, of course, make use of just one of these fields or give us mandates according to your projects.
You are not sure if your request is covered?
Just get in touch. We will be happy to help you. Contact us

Is the external legal department interesting for me?
Especially for small and medium-sized enterprises without their own legal department, legal questions keep occurring. These have to be answered quickly, reliably and non-bureaucratically.
Does it pay off to mandate a lawyer every time? Being worried about workload and costs, most enterprises do without it.
It is not uncommon though that the lack of legal advice has negative effects, such as sales drops, claims for damages, warning notices or even penal consequences.
To prevent these things there is our external legal department. We offer you a tailor-made solution – economically and legally – for your day-to-day business – implemented in an uncomplicated way via a monthly flat fee, or a time quota or optionally for single projects time-based payment with an hourly rate. Both parties will sustainably benefit from the steady exchange. The knowledge about your particular business situation will consistently be included in any assessment. Or as we would say: Only the holistic view will open up the right perspective for the details.